Source code for

''' part of pybraincompare package
Functions to check quality of statistical maps

from __future__ import division
from past.utils import old_div
import numpy as np
import nibabel

[docs]def header_metrics(image): '''Metrics: Extract metrics from the header ''' mr_affine = image.get_affine() mr_shape = image.shape header = image.get_header() return {"shape":mr_shape,"affine":mr_affine,"header":header}
[docs]def central_tendency(data): '''Central tendency: standard measures of central tendency and variance ''' if isinstance(data,nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Image): data = data.get_data() mr_mean = data.mean() mr_var = data.var() mr_std = data.std() mr_med = np.median(data) return {"std":mr_std,"var":mr_var,"mean":mr_mean,"med":mr_med}
[docs]def outliers(masked_data,n_std=6): '''Outliers outliers (e.g., more than ~6 SD from the mean, maybe less depending on the action) ''' mean = masked_data.mean() std = masked_data.std() six_dev_up = mean + n_std * std six_dev_down = mean - n_std*std high_outliers = len(np.where(masked_data>=six_dev_up)[0]) low_outliers = len(np.where(masked_data<=six_dev_down)[0]) return high_outliers,low_outliers
[docs]def get_percent_nonzero(masked_in): '''Estimate thresholded We basically check to see if number of zero voxels exceeds some percentage (not thresholded) ''' number_zeros = len(np.where(masked_in==0)[0]) nonzeros = len(masked_in) - number_zeros return old_div(nonzeros, float(len(masked_in)))
[docs]def is_thresholded(nii_obj,brain_mask,threshold=0.95): '''Is a nifti image thresholded? Adopted from chrisfilo for neurovault Threshold should be the percentage of voxels we want "good" Returns True/False and ratio of good voxels ''' data = nii_obj.get_data() # Set everything outside brain mask to zero data[brain_mask.get_data()==0] = 0 zero_mask = (data == 0) nan_mask = (np.isnan(data)) inside_brain = brain_mask.get_data().astype("bool") missing_mask = zero_mask | nan_mask missing_inside_brain = missing_mask & inside_brain ratio_bad = old_div(float(missing_inside_brain.sum()), float(inside_brain.sum())) ratio_good = 1-ratio_bad if ratio_good < threshold: return (True, ratio_good) else: return (False, ratio_good)
[docs]def is_only_positive(nii_obj): '''Are there only positive values?''' lower,upper = get_voxel_range(nii_obj) if lower>=0: return True else: return False
[docs]def get_voxel_range(nii_obj): '''Get the maximum and minimum value in the image''' data = nii_obj.get_data() return (np.min(data), np.max(data))
[docs]def count_voxels(masked_in,masked_out): '''Count voxels in and outside the mask''' # Here we are assuming a value of 0 == not in mask count_in = len(masked_in[masked_in!=0]) count_out = len(masked_out[masked_out!=0]) return count_in,count_out
# Convert to Z Scores (return entire images) -----------------------------------
[docs]def t_to_z(mr, dof): data = mr.get_data() # Select just the nonzero voxels nonzero = data[data!=0] # We will store our results here Z = np.zeros(len(nonzero)) # Select values less than or == 0, and greater than zero c = np.zeros(len(nonzero)) k1 = (nonzero <= c) k2 = (nonzero > c) # Subset the data into two sets t1 = nonzero[k1] t2 = nonzero[k2] # Calculate p values for <=0 p_values_t1 = t.cdf(t1, df = dof) z_values_t1 = norm.ppf(p_values_t1) # Calculate p values for > 0 p_values_t2 = t.cdf(-t2, df = dof) z_values_t2 = -norm.ppf(p_values_t2) Z[k1] = z_values_t1 Z[k2] = z_values_t2 # Create new nifti empty_nii = np.zeros(mr.shape) empty_nii[mr.get_data()!=0] = Z Z_nii_fixed = nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image(empty_nii, affine=mr.get_affine(), header=mr.get_header()) return Z_nii_fixed