Additional Tools

QA Report

Pybraincompare can also generate a QA report for a set of images. This is useful to quickly run QA, and then serve the result / send to someone to easily see and understand the data. An example is provided along with this script

#!/usr/bin/env python2

from glob import glob
from import run_qa

# Here is a set of 144 images, these are 9 openfmri studies in Neurovault, resampled to MNI 2mm
mrs = glob("/home/vanessa/Documents/Work/BRAINMETA/IMAGE_COMPARISON/mr/resampled/*.nii.gz")

# Run quality analysis
outdir = "/home/vanessa/Desktop/test"

# For large datasets (where memory is an issue) you can set calculate_mean_histogram=False


Generate a connectogram d3 visualization from a square connectivity matrix demo and script

from import connectogram
from pybraincompare.template.visual import view
import pandas

# A square matrix, tab separated file, with row and column names corresponding to node names
connectivity_matrix = "data/parcel_matrix.tsv"

parcel_info = pandas.read_csv("data/parcels.csv")
networks = list(parcel_info["Community"])
# should be in format "L-1" for hemisphere (L or R) and group number (1..N)
groups = ["%s-%s" %(parcel_info["Hem"][x],parcel_info["ID"][x]) for x in range(0,parcel_info.shape[0])]

# A threshold value for the connectivity matrix to determine neighbors, eg, a value of .95 means we only keep top 5% of positive and negative connections, and the user can explore this top percent
threshold = 0.99
html_snippet = connectogram(matrix_file=connectivity_matrix,groups=groups,threshold=threshold,network_names=networks)
