
Semantic and computational comparison methods for brain imaging data, and visualization of outputs. Modules include:


An example scatterplot image comparison, dynamically rendered using python and d3 from two raw statstical brain maps and an atlas image, [is available]( A new addition (beta) is a [canvas based scatterplot]( that can render 150K + points.


This module will let you convert a triples data structure defining relationships in an ontology to a an interactive d3 visualization, demo is [is available]( Reverse inference tree also [in development](


This module will work with visualization of functional connectivity data, demo is [is available]( and see examples folder for how to run with your data.

QA for Statistical Maps

This module will generate a web report for a list of statistical maps, demo [is available]( Much work to be done! Please submit an issue if you have feedback.


An example histogram using python and chartJS from a sigle brain map [is available](


Indices and tables