Source code for

# Functions for visualization parameters
from builtins import range
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import random
import re

#%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'
[docs]def animate_figure(): '''Animate subplots from current matplotlib figure''' with make_tmp_folder() as tmp_dir: # Write to temporary file, read in svg tmp_file = "%s/pybraind3.svg" %(tmp_dir) plt.savefig(tmp_file) tmp = open(tmp_file,"rb") content = tmp.readlines() tmp.close() # Find the first mention of svg, the start expression = re.compile("<svg") matches = [ for x in content] match =[x for x in range(0,len(matches)) if matches[x]][0]+1 content = content[match:len(content)] [x for x in [ for x in content] if x]
# TODO: write code here to put into animation...